Stevensville, MT 59870 (406) 201-8192

We Use Drywall Patch to Cover Imperfections

Are there drill holes in the drywall of your ceiling or walls? These are unpleasant to look at and should be dealt with if you don’t want them to stick out. Cover them up by having a professional such as Paint Specialist apply drywall patch to the affected areas. We can patch up any imperfections on the surface of the drywall in your house in Stevensville, MT.

Why Patch up Drywall?

Sure, holes aren’t pretty to look at. But aesthetics isn’t the only reason why you should patch these holes up. If you don’t patch these holes, they will get bigger and bigger over time; and by the time you decide to patch it up, the hole might be too big. Replacing the entire drywall because of damage beyond repair can get pretty expensive. Save money by patching up these holes before they get worse. If you don’t know how to do it, you can always hire a professional to do it for you.

We Can Patch Up the Drywall of Your Home!

With our drywall patching service, we cover up any imperfections or flaws on the surface of the drywall on the walls or on the ceiling of your house. From small dents to tiny drill holes, we can cover these up with drywall patch so that you won’t have to see them anymore. We can place a self-adhesive patch to cover the hole. Once the patch is in place, we’ll cover it with joint compound it using a putty knife. After the joint compound has dried, we’ll add a second layer so that there won’t be any bumps left. Choose us and we’ll patch these holes for you for good.

Paint Specialist can apply drywall patch to cover any cracks, holes, or seams on the drywall. Does the drywall in your house in Stevensville, MT need to be patched? There’s no need to hesitate.

Give us a call at (406) 201-8192 right away!

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